New ways to get off/Material safe stroker for silicone dildo?

Hello all! So I have recently been exploring masturbating while wearing a strap-on dildo and jerking it off which is really fun, but I’d love to get a stroker/sleeve to use with it as well. I am new to buying toys for penises and know that a lot of them are made of lower quality material than the silicone used for dildos. Does anyone have any recommendations for strokers that won’t degrade the silicone of my dildos if they are used together? I’d love for the toy to last awhile (not be disposable!) and be easy to clean. I’d prefer not to spend over $35ish but that can be flexible! Any thoughts?

As a penis owner, I have nothing but good things to say about the Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage… the quality is high, it’s extra fun because it’s see-through, and it’s easy to clean since it’s open ended (big plus!), even if you’re just cleaning lube out. It’s the 3rd high-quality stroker I’ve tried, the cheapest, and by far the best (for me). I guess only downside is that isn’t not “quiet”…

No idea how it would work with your silicon dildo, but it has held up to regular usage (what does this mean? I don’t know :joy:) and is still in great shape. I use Sliquid’s Hybrid lube with it.

Also, it’s right around your price range. Good luck and have fun!

There are a few under $35 that won’t ruin the silicone or be disposable. The first ones that come to mind are actually silicone Doc Johnson Optimale Beaded Silicone Stroker and Doc Johnson Optimale Ribbed Silicone Stroker then you can also use them in your hand as a grinding pad as well. Elastomer won’t ruin silicone either, just make sure you’re using appropriate lubricant. Strokers with cases tend to last longer. So strokers like Doc Johnson Main Squeeze Pop-Off Optix Stroker, B Swish Bhandy Classic Wave Stroker, or Fleshlight Quickshot Vantage Compact Sleeve will be perfect.

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