Lost condoms, sent in a search party

Hello all! As a 33 year old female, I thought I had seen it all, and done it all. Sex? It can be awkward, fun, and exciting! But little did I know, all this excitement and fun was going to turn realllllly awkward. During some intense sex, a condom slipped off and was just “missing” thinking it might be lost in the sheets, it was dark, we didn’t really look to hard for it, decided to continue with another condom, which also mysteriously came off. Wtf. Had unprotected sex, (please don’t judge me for this, I know its an all round bad idea) came home, and kind of went on with my day. But my vagina felt sore, and almost like when you have a tampon in you. After finding out my partner still didn’t find the condoms in the bed, I had to do some hunting. I smoked a joint and got really relaxed, and had to insert my fingers into my vaginal canal, and fish out the condoms. I mean WTF. How is this even a thing?? I was so mortified, and confused, and just completely turned off by the idea of sex in that moment. My partner was helpful and wasn’t just leaving me to figure it out for myself, and was trying to be as helpful as he could. But then he says “Oh I’m definitely not buying this brand again.” I wanted to say, “it’s not the brand, it’s the size of the condom, maybe you buy something smaller.” But I think that might be too confrontational. I just felt like what is my vagina so cavernous that condoms are getting lost in there? I hadn’t had sex in 6 months!! Is this normal? Am i too big?

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Maybe there wasn’t enough lubricant and maybe it was too big on your partner? Maybe he was a little slippery in the condom and there wasn’t enough friction to keep it in place?

As a male, I’d have to say personally I would feel very emasculated if a partner suggested I try a smaller sized condom.
But as a father having went through those birthing classes… it’s amazing what that vagina can do! I tip my hat to y’all! I’m a diehard fan. ;). Perhaps you could pick up a "better fitting condom and even assist in the specific fitting of said accessory. Guarantee they won’t mind.

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I think this was on him not you. Everyone is shaped differently and none of them are wrong or “too” anything.
And that goes for him too he isn’t too small he just needs the right fit.
As for going without for six months, your ready when it feels right. And that’s not a question anyone else can answer. If you feel like you need or want to do something kegels are fun, good for you and I don’t know about anyone else but they make me supper horny.


As a guy, I’ve had to get multiple sizes of condoms depending on how aroused I am and just the day. Sometimes I’m large enough to need bigger condoms, sometimes regular sized are just fine. You certainly shouldn’t have to worry about your partner’s ego. He should be a big boy and be able to handle that sometimes he just isn’t that super sized. There are some brands that do really really specific sizes for condoms (long skinny, short thick, …) I can’t remember any off the top of my head, but that might be a good way of approaching it too. Just be the one to measure the guy. He might exaggerate his size (my fish is THISS big).

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My fish is this big :laughing:
But yeah totally, your not always maximum hardness every time. It’s nice they make condoms for the times when your either harder the Captain Americans shield or not.

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You can get these condoms called “myOne Perfect Fit”, and this penis having partner will just have to do some measuring, put it into the website, and have some perfect fitting condoms mailed! I’ve not actually ordered them myself before, but I went through a whole condom sizing thing, and that was definitely the most customizable option, and they come in fun packages as I remember.