Let's talk about pegging!

New article up over at Spectrum on the Journal talking about pegging!

So what do folks think about pegging? Tried it and liked it or hated it, want to try it, etc?

I really like how the article tackles that pegging is stimulating an erogenous zone and doesn’t inherently have a sexuality, or gender. There has always been a bit of mental gymnastic for many cis men I know to overcome when it comes to anal play, so I love that the article breaks that down!


I want to peg someone so bad, but I have limitations because of it. I’d love to peg my friend because I know he likes that, but I just don’t know what position it’d be. I’m rarely on my knees and when I am, I have a hard time getting up because my foot is so stiff. BUT I WILL PEG SOMEONE ONE DAY! THAT’S THE GOAL.


You could try him on the bed and you standing. That might be a good position. And yeah I always liked the idea of pegging. I’m Bi/pan so I’m good with anyone but I’d honestly love to get pegged by someone. Personally the idea of blowing a strap on just to be good is honestly hot for me. Tbh I’m a sub for any gender lol. But yeah pegging is rad.


I’ve done it, enjoyed it a lot. Although in real life it isn’t as easy as the videos make it out to be. Don’t do it very often and I usually have to bring it up. Partner has made strides though. Went from "no way in hell, to rubbing and using a finger while giving a bj. Butt I enjoy a little anal stimulation. I have a decent selection of toys I use on my own.


Great article! Super informative and detailed.

@tallasianchick SAME. Penetration of any kind is a hard limit for my partner so it’s not in the foreseeable future, but I’d love love love to top for penetrative sex of any kind someday!!

I started wearing a packer last year (I’m trans/NB) and it’s really changed how I experience and desire sex acts. While previously I never even thought to consider if I’d like to top for penetration, now it’s on my bucket list.

Check out this strap on harness that I desperately want!! I don’t have a use for it currently though.


YAY FOR GOALS! Yeah, my size and mobility have caused some issues while trying, so just have to readjust and get creative. If you get the right type of toy, sometime you can wear it and they can sit on your lap while wearing to get around the knee issues, or if they can bend over at the right angle with some props/pillows then you can try and have a go while standing. It’s a lot of trial and error, but doable!


So true, never as easy as on the videos, ha. Lots of trial and error to find what works, especially because with a strap on the positions and the way you wear it is so dependent on your body as well.


Omg, that harness is GORGEOUS! Love it. I’m pretty femme, so when I got mine I gravitated to a more femme design, so mine is black and red lace pattern and has a corset tie in the back. Just the design alone make me feel more confident, love it.


That must be BEAUTIFUL! I don’t think I’ve seen a harness quite like that before.


Has anyone here seen Broad City? (if you haven’t I 100% recommend)!! When I think of pegging I’m always reminded of the scene where Abby pegs Jeremy and then tries to wash his dildo in the dishwasher and it melts lol! Great show


Yes! And then she tries to replace it with a cheaper knockoff, hahaha. Such a good episode, that show is great.

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I know my partner of over a yr wants me to top them, because they’ve been talking about it since before we got together (lol). When we first started dating, I had never really used sex toys with a partner before so I was quite hesitant about the idea, and they dropped it. I’ve been getting a lot more confident when it comes to trying new things, and I really want to top them now, but i’m quite nervous to try. I don’t even have a harness or anything yet ahaha.
I think part of the reason im nervous is because I have no idea at all what I’m doing and it’ll show


I’m sure your partner is nervous as well. Things like these are kinda nerve racking but it’s all about communication and being calm and comfortable. I’m sure you two will have a great time when your ready. No rush. Being a top can be kinda hard. One of the hardest parts is figuring out how to talk and act. Maybe a little research could help?


It’s totally okay to be nervous! It’s normal to feel this way. Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect or come naturally. Trying new things with a partner can be so exciting and fun! What’s important is having fun and keeping open, honest communication. You’ll both learn as you go. I bet your partner will be so excited to explore this with you!


Plumpuddin is definitely right about the honest communication! I’m a bi male who’s been into pegging for a few years now. My partner (hetero female) also felt nervous going into it when we began. It helped us to put me a bit more in charge at first so I could show, rather than tell her what it is that felt right. It’s easy for it to be painful at first so it’s important to go slow. We started with me bottoming from on top and slowly she became more comfortable with the movements! You will definitely know when your bottom wants more, so go slow until then!

Communication is always key, and sub/dom roles should be outlined beforehand. Pegging is amazing, it’s fantastic for both partners and can introduce an amazingly different perspective into your sexual preferences! Some of our longest and most intense sex has come from pegging! It’s also so fun picking out harnesses and dildos with your partner, and Spectrum Boutique has such good options!!!


Shout out to a fellow Bi guy who likes pegging! I haven’t done it but it sounds super fun! I’d honestly love to go harness and dildo shopping. I’ve only recently gotten into anal stuff and yeah, just a finger can hurt so it can be a little painful at first. Not to steal away from this important topic but tell me, how is it? If you can entertain a virgin sub :laughing:

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I can honestly say it a little scary at first. Even though I had performed a lot of backdoor play and was comfortable doing it to myself it was hard to relinquish that control to someone else. But once I relaxed it brought a lot of intensity to my arousing. But made my penis flaccid. But I have read that it is common and normal.
After more times I could obtain an erection during it. And it likes to leak a ton of precum! Now she thinks it’s funny that I get to lay in the wet spot. Now my next thing to address is I want to go bigger and maybe be fisted. It was a while to get her to use a finger…

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I do think more ppl who want to peg their partners would talk to their friends about it. Help make it more mainstream. As a hetero male it’s hard to broach the subject.


Yeah the first few times I tried fingering my self it was a little hard to well… stay hard. I just used a vibe to keep the pleasure going. But I’m happy you and your partner are having fun and are having a few laughs with it.


Yes! Wish it was talked about more mainstream in a normalized way, esp. for hetero males, because like duh, biology, you have a prostate of course it feels great!