Just for fun. Funny sex memes topic

So on this forum there are many walks of life represented. So I figured to start a topic where maybe we could have some fun and poke a few jokes about ourselves. So if you have any sexy and fun things to say, say them here. It can be a pun, a funny thought or just something that comes to mind. Consider this the meme topic if you will.
I’ll start. Fun fact I am bisexual, and I have found more of my naughty desires go more towards my gay side. Basically my sexuality works like this. I want a big dom guy to hold he down and make me climax so many times I can barely stand while he calls me pretty. Meanwhile I want to get gently domed by a girl and hold her hand and make her feel good just to see her smile and not really worry if I’m even hard. Basically I want daddy to ruin me, and I want to worship and make mommy feel good while soft music plays. Don’t get me wrong I want romance from my dudes but usually my subs head wants the more rough and tender stuff from my guys.


Not OC, but I think many people’s plans have become more sex related during quarantine. :shushing_face:


I mean when your told to stay to yourself, options are limited :laughing:


Sometimes I wish aliens would break into my room and “probe me” :wink::wink: lmao I also want to find someone that wouldn’t mind wearing a Jason Voorhees mask during sex :sweat_smile:


Oh man, I remember a porn we all watched in college (I went to art school) that was this exact scenario! Can’t remember the name but everyone was green and there was a lot of probing, haha.

Also not gonna lie, as a fan of David Tennant, wouldn’t have minded if when he played The Doctor he needed to use his sonic screwdriver on me, haha. An ultimate nerd fantasy for many, I’m sure.


Honestly alien probing sounds fun. Also I totally get the Jason mask. Honestly it seems easier then a pyramid head mask.

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Time and space travel could lead to a lot of sexy things. Personally I wouldn’t mind a night with River :laughing:
Also not gonna lie david tennant could get it. One of my favorite doctors.


Oh so you have a thing for pyramids? :wink::wink:

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And guys in heels lmao

And dresses or skirts for me lol

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