Hello! Weird title, I apologize lol I haven’t posted here in a good while. I have a question that I seem to not find anything in particular that relates exactly to what I noticed I’ve began to enjoy as a result of foreplay. And I’ve never noticed that I’ve actually been enjoying this particular thing since possibly high school but just couldn’t quite comprehend my feelings.
TW: bruises
I am dating a guy, we’ve been dating for almost two years now but currently we are on break as we are both dealing with really hectic lives that are being taken care of separately before we decide to settle on a relationship.
Before this temporary and mutual break, we were able to mess around a bit with his fetish. We were both feeling a bit frisky and knowing we wouldn’t be seeing each other for awhile helped us to want to get a bit intimate minus the intercourse.
His fetish is in tickling, it’s a main drive in his sex life and although I’ve never taken part in it before him, I was absolutely into the idea.
Our first intimate night as stated was solely about foreplay where we were able to indulge in restraining and tickling. Turned out I was super into it and because I was so squirmy he had to tie my hands with his belt or just hold to my wrists so he could resume tickling. It was quite the effort for him lol but we both had fun anyway! I personally do love being restrained as well, and because most times I’d escape the restraint he’d have to hold my wrists or arm tightly, which again I enjoyed. And he did add heavy pressure most times towards his tickling hand around my body that resulted in an interesting, pleasurable finger jabbing poke throughout my body. Again, thoroughly enjoyed every second. Once it was time for him to leave home, I was going to shower when I noticed some pink marks, especially at my arms where he restrained me with his hands. The following day was when I saw light bruises and throughout the next day the bruises were darker. And here’s where my question comes in, I loved it. I saw my bruises and I felt happy, almost like it was a reminder that he had control of my body in a consensual and sexual way. And I very much enjoyed the thought of that. When I touched them, it felt nice because my body just felt sore. My legs felt sore, my arms, my waist, my ribs, sore. And it was an exhausting couple of days as the bruises were turning more prominent in color, but I felt so comforted by them. Is this some sort of kink I have? In high school I noticed when I used to accidentally get bruises I used to love showing them off, I still don’t fully understand why but I enjoyed feeling the soreness and seeing them. So, is it considered a kink or is this some sort of comfort thing? Or is this something entirely different that I have yet to look into? Thanks in advance for reading