I think I'm an autophile!

Autophilia: narcissism; self-love. https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/autophilia
Autophilia | definition of autophilia by Medical dictionary

I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I love myself so much that I physically turn myself on. I think I’ve hated myself so much in the past, then I became disabled, through that process over the years, something inside me changed. I grew to love myself. Additionally, this started my hoe phase and now I think I’m an autophile.

Thots? :joy:


I think this is the best thing ever. The fact you turn yourself on and love your body so much is incredible. And hey! If you wanna have a hoe phase, do it! Show what you got! If you love yourself, however you express it is fine. Tbh without sounding flirty or creepy, I’ve seen your pics. Your very pretty! So I say show your blessings. Love your self and show others your confidence! It might inspire others.

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Thank you! And yeah, I know. Were you the one who liked a post recently? I haven’t been on insta yet, tbh I’m tired of social media, but it’s a necessary evil at this point. I just limit my use.

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Yes! My handle is A_Ghost_With_Internet. I already messaged you lol

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Honestly this is a goal?? I’ve been sick/disabled since I was a child and I really struggle with Not Hating myself. I’m getting better at showing myself love over time, but I have a long way to go. This post was refreshing and hopeful to read. I love it!! New 2020 goal become an autophile


Honestly same lol :smile:

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It took a while, but once you think you’re going to die, it’s either give up, fight on, or “lol whatever. this is a thing now. wait, can i still have sex? will ppl still have sex with me?”
Kinda sad that those were my thoughts, but hey, sex is important to me and being desired. Could ya blame me?


I feel you! Not sad at all. I like that perspective.

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