Hey jjww, welcome to the Forum!
So, it can be tricky figuring out your role in kink, whether it’s one you gravitate to or not. I’ll drop some books that we have below to check out, but the first thing I’m thinking to ask here is how is your communication? BDSM and kink in general is a lot of communication, a partner saying “i like when you are dominate and initiate” is great, but there is a lot more details and planning needed. Maybe you all have that, which is great, but just reading what you wrote I’m immediately asking “ok, what type of flogging? How soft or hard or what material? Where on your body do you want impact? What type of toy play? Do you want to be held down or tied down or restrained at all if dominated? Do you want me to say verbally dominating things?” I know it can be a lot of work, but knowing before you are in the moment specifically what someone wants, what toy they want used, where they want to be spank/tied/scratched/etc. is a game changer. So having those discussions and knowing specific details really helps!
Also there has to be some grace given, especially when you are starting out or trying something new. If something doesn’t work, that’s not a negative thing. Best thing in that moment is try and pivot, or better yet plan ahead and say “hey, when we do X, if that doesn’t work in the moment, what do you want me to do instead?” Prep makes it a lot easier to not get flustered if something doesn’t work out as you hope, and easier to brush on and keep going.
Also is this something you want to do as well? If it’s not your jam, that might be something to discuss as well. If it’s more just an unknown and you are open to it, having a more detailed discussion and plan and checking out some of the resources below will for sure help!
Here is a link to all of our BDSM books: BDSM Books | Spectrum Boutique
I would def. suggest checking out these ones first:
As Kinky As You Wanna Be (This is just a really great catchall primer): As Kinky As You Wanna Be | Spectrum Boutique
The Ultimate Guide to Kink (A huge history but def. worth reading for a fuller understanding of the vast kink community): The Ultimate Guide to Kink | Spectrum Boutique
The New Topping Book (You mentioned topping and this is a great book for that): The New Topping Book | Spectrum Boutique