Presentation Topic

Please feel free to say Hi and introduce yourselves in this topic.


Iā€™m gonna start in my own topic. ^^
First, sorry for my english.
Iā€™m a 31 years old women from Portugal, but I have also the french nationality. Iā€™ve been following the work of ZoĆ© Ligon since more than a year via instagram.
Iā€™m feminist, intersectional and sex-positiv, always trying to putt everything in perspective, to learn from others.
Sex is one of my favorite subject. (books, podcasts, moviesā€¦)
Happy to be part of this forum that I hope is gonna be a safe place to talk about a lot of things!


Hello! Iā€™m from the United States, 25 years old, she/her pronouns. I love talking and learning about sex and gender!


Hello everyone!
My name is Cory and I am currently a 20 year old college student studying psychology and gender/sex studies. I prefer she/her or they/them pronouns and I personally identify as demisexual and biromantic. My personal interests lie in human relationship development, human sexualities, sexual wellness/Ed, as well within the psychological aspects of human relation/sex. I hope that we can all have an enjoyable experience within this forum and that this forum provides each of us with information that is personally beneficial.


Hi. Iā€™m woman (her/she) and identify as pansexual. Iā€™m originally from Brazil. Iā€™ve lived in the Netherlands, France and now Iā€™m living in the United States. Iā€™ve been following ZoĆ« since Iā€™ve read one of her columns somewhere a while ago. I enjoy learning about sex and sexuality, Iā€™m a light kinkster I guess and Iā€™d love to be a more active advocate for sex positivity in my community.


Hullo, Iā€™m genderqueer, she/her, 25 years old, living in Chicago, not particularly kinky but reasonably slutty. Looking to find more of a community where I live.


Hello! Iā€™m 25 years old, I identify as female and use the pronouns she/her. I joined this community as apart of my sexual reclaiming journey. Iā€™ve been spending a lot of my time trying to learn more and open myself up. Iā€™m looking forward to this community growing and hope to have some in depth and open conversation.



My name is Andy- soon to be 58. In brief, Iā€™ve been ā€œluckyā€ to know a great many abusive people in my family, educational, and professional lives, and have lived with undiagnosed mental illnessā€™ most of that life. I started to get actual help in the last 15 years, and accepted that I was bisexual in the last 5. Partner sex is a rare occurrence for reasons. My first experiences were with a male partner early on, female partners later. I never talked about any of my experiences, and though I kept seeing various social cues telling me to be ashamed, I never have been, interestingly enough. I adore penetrating myself, and usually have a session after church, because I have time and itā€™s dirtier that way. Mind you, itā€™s a UCC, and probably the only church in the county accepting and affirming of queer people. I really needed the community, especially since the death of my last parent and the ā€œelectionā€ of The Leader (i wonā€™t have his filthy name in my mouth) happened in a two week time span, and I almost felt like i was being hunted. A bit of a size queen myself, Iā€™ve gotten tantalizingly close to an anal orgasm before my arm fails me, and Iā€™m hoping to find a friendly person with a strap on harness or a nice big cock to take me over the top.

I am a proud degenerate and voluptuary!


Hey, my Name is Jana and i am a 22y/o music student from Austria. I identify as ā€˜sheā€™ and dont identify my sexuality. I am so happy about having the possibility to have a community where we share our experiences.
Loads of love


Hi everyone! Iā€™m a college student in Ohio in the United States. My pronouns are she/her and Iā€™m queer! I love sex toys, I think theyā€™re so fascinating. Itā€™s incredible to me that we can use technology to create human pleasure and hack the human body. Canā€™t wait to see what you all discuss!


:slightly_smiling_face: :wave:t3: Hi! I am 28 yrs old bisexual from HTX. I enjoy going to the gym and playing video games. Ask me anything, I am extremely open and honest.


howdy, iā€™m a 19 year old trans college student from ohio. my pronouns are he/him! iā€™m very passionate about sex education and sex positivity, especially in relation to trans people. and I love me some sex toys.


Welcome @ParasitA, this is precisely the safe place to talk about these things! Iā€™m happy you found us!

Hey, Iā€™m Elle! Iā€™ve recently been into experimenting with BDSM. Usually Iā€™m pretty vanilla but it turns my partner on. Looking to make some friends, and get some advice!


I always had this idea. Strap a vibe to yourself while you play video games. Nothing hard or frustrating. Or maybe try that hard boss you canā€™t beat and see if the pleasure makes it easier?
I dunno just always something I thought about.

Lolā€¦ definitely would be a lot harder to do!! Especially since I play FPS. But it would add an interesting twist to things if I am trying to keep it composure and talk to teammates.

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Hello all. New here and really looking forward to participating. Thanks.


Welcome @Mr.SOLO! Let us know if you have any questions.

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hi, im maya :slight_smile: im 20, bi and use she/they pronouns! Iā€™m just finishing my final year of uni and am really looking forward to not being long-distance with my partner! I really want to get more comfortable talking about and exploring sex and kink :wink: bc im very curious abt a lot of things but have never really known where to start.


Hi Maya, welcome!! Itā€™s nice to see another they/them pronoun user around! I think youā€™ll like it here. Everyone is so friendly! Canā€™t wait to chat with you some more.