Porn for the male a vulva owner

Let me just start off by saying that I do thoroughly enjoy porn. In fact, I watch it pretty damn regularly and am always searching for a good lesbian porno or something with tit/nipple play. I recently got a new job and am very excited about getting my own income for numerous reasons, one of which is to be able to PAY FOR THE PORN I CONSUME! Just today, I was searching ManyVids for a beautiful POV tit play video and I found one very satisfactory, so I paid for it in a rush of appreciation for the sex worker(s) that make this possible. After I purchased it, I watched it and found myself thinking about the clearly male hands groping and slapping and fondling these huge boobs onscreen. I feel like these kinds of videos are clearly for the cis male gaze, as is a LOT of porn, and I found myself wishing that she was either playing with them herself or that a softer, gentler pair of hands were cradling her beautiful breasts. This porn actress was even saying “Do whatever you want with them” and that proclamation in and of itself is very hot, but I just couldn’t help but feel somewhat “left out” of the porn viewer narrative as this man aggressively squeezed her tits as I used my vibrator on my vulva. Time and time again I have watched videos of vulva owners masturbating with a dildo, shaking their ass or their tits at the camera, and telling me to “stroke my cock” or “I bet you want to put your dick inside me.” I consider myself to be bisexual, and I am in a hetero-representing relationship, but it would still be nice to be acknowledged as a part of the collective porn viewer narrative as a girl that enjoys to watch other girls or vulva owners to squeeze their tits. I know this is a popular topic but I just wanted to download the thoughts I have been having recently. Feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions on this thread! I am very interested to hear what other cis females or vulva owners have to say about being included more in the “porn viewer narrative” as I like to call it! :heart:


I also find that I don’t enjoy porn as much if it’s obviously directed towards a male audience. It’s kind of disheartening when I find something I think I will like and they are giving commands like the ones above. It’s almost gotten to the point where I was thinking of posting gender neutral content later, for other people who want something that fits better.


That’d be great! Honestly we need wayyyy more gender neutral content in the porn world!


Also when those commands or narratives are used in porn videos, it makes me think am I wrong for watching and enjoying this if it is directed for a primarily male audience? What’s wrong with someone who doesn’t have a penis watching a girl do sexy things, you know what I mean? The narrative really needs to change


Totally get that “am I wrong?” feeling! It’s so frustrating.


Totally feel this. Like even the submissive stuff is so catered to a male gaze, even if it’s an all girls scene.

When I watch porn, I generally prefer queer or lesbian scenes, and I spent a lot of my younger years watching such bad scenes and really ignoring dialog. Honestly when I wanted to find more fat porn that wasn’t fetishized, so I could see someone like me reflected on the screen, that really was my gateway into finding more inclusive queer porn that truly was refreshing because it was geared more towards pleasure of the people in the scene, not the audience. Crash Pad series was huge for me in that aspect. It showed all genders, not just the binary, that I’m attracted to (which for so long, growing up in a more conservative area, I felt guilt for which is BS) and also just such a wide variety of body types. It really felt empowering.


From the other side of this, as a cis (Bi) guy, I cringe at that dialogue because it implies a certain kind of masculinity that I don’t identify with, and some of it can be downright boner-killing. It tends to focus on a guy who just wants PIV (or P-in-ass): Do not pass go, do not kiss, lick, negotiate a safe word, etc. It’s hard to articulate what exactly I’d want in porn monologue, but the generic stuff that is the default sounds like they’re talking to the guys I avoided in high school — and try to avoid being as an adult.


Very good point. So much of the language is so off putting and just reaffirms that a lot of mainstream porn isn’t for me.

And I lol’d at the sounds like the guys I avoided in high school, because it’s so true!

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One of the things that I love about the rise of queer porn like Pink and White is that there are so many more opportunities for me to find guys or masc-types that I find hot. When I started looking at porn as a kid, I gravitated to the girl-girl stuff not because of a lesbian fetish, but because the men in mainstream porn creeped me out for reasons that I couldn’t quite pinpoint. They just felt toxic and way too hyped up on their own masculinity. Once again, they felt like men that I didn’t want to resemble in any way, never mind fuck. Alternative queer porn has done a much better job of depicting masculine sexuality.


Reading over your post, I’m not positive I have the best eye for what you’re looking for since it’s not as much my thing, but I have an Xconfessions subscription (first porn I’ve ever really paid for!) and there are plenty of videos that are really well done, and involve 2+ women. Theirs has very little “do whatever you want to them” dialogue, but they have more video content along the lines of what I think you’re looking for from a solo and lady hands perspective (albeit a bit on the softer side).


After reading this, as a cam model/content maker, you really opened my eyes to the content I make. Thank you for that. I want to make decent, quality content. Something for everyone I suppose. Not just the harsh stuff.


I agree that general porn is so male dominated and almost uncomfortable.
Female to female connections are much cooler and male to male also appear more comfortable.
There should be better fun porn for all