Old age creeping up and

Sexual drive spiraling down. So I’m only 45 but the years haven’t been the best to lately I guess. To summarize I’ve broken both feet and have a"tender" back. Doctor had put me on bp medication, cholesterol meds a slew of others. Well I went from having a super high sex drive to not even thinking about it. So being the stubborn and albeit stupid male. I stopped taking them. Which brought my drive back up. But also my bp to dangerous levels. So realized I can’t have sex if I’m dead starting to take them again. Although explaining my dilemma I’m trying different ones. Which helps. But not entirely. I get aroused, but not for sex, only seem to want to masturbate.
I’m not really looking for answers, more just to get it off my chest. Still married, wife understands my lack of sex drive. But it’s been over 2 months now without it. Plus I’m only 45 dammit! Maybe it’s just 2020 f-ing with me a little more. IDK.

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Well I hope talking about it helps. And honestly I’ve seen some people way into their years and still have super high sexdrive so it could just be 2020 being a jerk to all of us.

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Have you spoken with your physician about the meds messing with your sex drive? There could be an alternative medication that controls your BP but wouldn’t affect your sex life as much.


That’s what we’re trying now. Just will take time. Time I’m not having any.

So not old (34, which I think isn’t old, ha), but I have a hormone condition that just kills my sex drive sometimes. It sucks. My body feels “broken” a lot in a variety of ways, and it’s just taken a lot of time and therapy to accept that sometimes my body is just going to be like “NOPE” and I just have to roll with it.

Def. looking at different meds and testing out different options to see what works helps, it’s all about playing around with things to find some sort of balance that works. I def. notice a change in my libido if my condition is doing better and I’m being fully present with my body.

For me, it’s been essential to have an understanding partner, which it sounds like you do. For me, focusing on just intimacy has been crucial. My libido might be down, but touch still feels good, so cuddling/massage/just making out is nice. Sometimes I still get horny but I don’t really crave sex, so mutual masturbation or even just one of us getting the other off has been fun. Sex drives can ebb and flow for a variety of reasons in life, so for me it’s just been about finding things that feel good, if I feel in a rut maybe trying new toys or new porn to see if that sparks anything, and at the end of the day just giving myself grace to have a lower libido than I used to. Focusing on quality vs. quantity too, as long as I’m having fun and it’s good sex when it happens, that is what matters to me in the end.