Chest play advice

So I’ve been enjoying playing with my chest a lot recently. Just using ice or my vibrators on my chest feels so good and I’m chorus if there’s anything else fun I can try.
Also I’ve seen toys that are used on girls and simulates a licking sensation as like a clit toy? I do wonder if that would also feel good on my chest? :thinking:
Also I’m wondering if anyone has had like a hands free orgasm from just chest play.


Have you tried clamps at all or suction?

I really like these clamps because the look but also the feathers are fun for lighter play:

Suction personally doesn’t do it for me, but it’s a pretty affordable option to play around with for nipple play but also elsewhere too. These are good:

I think I mentioned this on another thread, but my favorite sensation toy still is pinwheels. Just fun all around but I like them for chest play a lot. I have one like this:

As for the licking toys, I’m not sure how that would feel for chest play, I would think it would really depend on the material. Some are firmer, hard plastic which I don’t think would do much, but softer material might. Personally they are pricey and I’d go with other sensation play devices first before spending on a toy like that.

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Thanks for the recommendations!
The feather nipple clamps look adorable and suction sounds fun.
I’ll definitely have to look into those :grin:

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Also update apparently spectrum is going to star selling this and it looks like a perfect chest play toy…? Maybe?


I have always gotten a lot of pleasure from nipple play and once orgasmed from that alone! Love to hear you are getting similar joy from it :heart:


Oh duh, we have a whole pump section that has a TON of options in a variety of price ranges. Lots of options that would be great for chest play:

This doesn’t have the licking motion, but has multiple cups and vibrates as well:


It’s honestly one of the things that makes me finish the quickest. If it’s a vibrator or ice or just flicking and pinching and rubbing my hard chest it always sends shivers down my spine.
Honestly I’m positive I could finish just from that but I always feel so good I have to touch or grind on something. I knew it was like super good feeling for girls but no one said guys can like it to. Honestly when I finally get a partner and we’re dipping into sexual stuff, the first thing I want them to do is play with my chest! Sorry for the long reply it’s just one of my favorite things

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Oh that looks absolutely lovely! Honestly I don’t need like a ton of suction but just the vibrating settings sounds heavily and makes me drool! Definitely gonna have to save up some money for that but sounds totally worth it!


Me and my boyfriend both love that sort of play. He loves my suction toys.