Your house is full of kinky tools and you don’t even know it

Get those creative juices flowing, as Carly S. shares the bounty of household items you can use to spice up the bedroom over on Spectrum Journal. Great for those on a budget and/or wanting a very fun craft project :slight_smile:


Ngl I really wanna try ice play. Sounds super stimulating and exciting.


Ahh, plastic wrap bondage, that brings back memories! An old favorite from before I was able to purchase restraints.

I LOVE that Animal Crossing New Horizons bdsm guide that was linked to! So cute and fun! Bdsm is all about creativity. Also, incorporating bdsm into your gaming is an awesome way to increase accessibility.


I never used plastic wrap. I just used this fabric rope I have. Much more comfortable. Fun fact I used to tie my wrists together with the same rope just as an autistic comfort thing and my mom literally made my therapist make sure it wasn’t a sexual or health concern thing. Granted I was around fifteen or younger lol.

It’s a lot of fun and versatile to use in a few different ways, whether super cold or letting it melt, etc.

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God it sounds so fun! Honestly I’m such a slut for temperature. I find I always get super turned on when the shower is super hot. I’ve actually been wondering if I’d like the whole “melting wax from a candle” thing. But I also love the cold. Probably cause I grew up in Colorado winters. I have a lovely memory where it was snowing and -10. I was in the Rockys and in a hot tub. and these two cute Swedish guys told me how they roll around in the snow and then get back into the hot tub.
So I got out only in my swim trunks, rolled around in the snow in negative degrees while it was still snowing, then got back in. The shock to the system was AMAZING!
It felt like my heart was jumpstarted! Ah that was fun. So yeah Ice play sounds super fun.


I have to admit that I have been eyeing up these plastic coated outdoor citronella yard candles. They are about 1.5 inches in diameter, ribbed spiral and about 3ft long without the stake… just worried about any sharp edges of the plastic/wax coating. But the shivers/naughty imagines they invoke.

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So I used ice play for the first time today! It was so fun. I got two clean ice cubes, ran them under water and let it sit for a couple minutes. I then ran it over my body and it got SO GOOD! It instantly started melting and cold water ran down my sides and chest. It felt SO good and the coldness was almost calming of it didn’t excite me a much. I did forget to put down a towel so :laughing:

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